Obamarama! The President Doesn’t Know the National Motto

There is just something, I mean just something when it comes to President Obama and Christianity. He proclaims in a Muslim country that America isn’t a Christian nation and then proclaims in America that the U.S. is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. He doesn’t go to church anymore. He omits the Creator when quoting the Declaration of Independence and his staff insisted that the name of Jesus had to be covered when he spoke at Georgetown.

But not knowing our national motto – the national motto? Isn’t the President supposed to know the national motto? Let’s see, what if George Bush quoted E pluribus unum as our national motto? Let’s take it another step: what if it was Sarah Palin who referred to E pluribus unum as our national motto?

The MSM, late night hosts, liberal funny people, leftist bloggers, and all who suffer from Bush/Palin derangement syndrome would go into raving fits, while foaming at their mouths proclaiming how stupid they were.

Is the President stupid? I don’t think so. I mean it really is a stupid thing when the President doesn’t know our national motto. Maybe, when it comes right down to it, he has a problem with Christianity and God himself. Progressive elitists do have problems with God, since they want to run things the way they want to run things, without answering to anyone, especially to the Great Anyone.

Washington Times – Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.’s motto in a speech last month, rather than “In God We Trust.”

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making “a pattern” of dropping the word “Creator” when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

“By misrepresenting things as foundational as the Declaration of Independence and our national motto, you are not only doing a disservice to the people you represent you are casting aside an integral part of American society,” the representatives said in a stern letter asking for him to correct the speech.

Last month, while speaking at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Mr. Obama was trying to stress the similarity of the U.S. and Indonesia and said “it is a story written into our national mottos.”

“In the United States, our motto is E pluribus unum — out of many, one,” he said, then compared it to the Indonesian motto, “Bhennika Tunggal Ika — unity in diversity.” Read more

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