Picture of the Day – Obama: ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’

Sen. Barack Obama talks at a town hall meeting at Radnor Middle School in Wayne, Pa., Saturday, June 14. (AP)

Mobster wisdom tells us never to bring a knife to a gun fight. But what does political wisdom say about bringing a gun to a knife fight?

That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.” Read more

Picture of the Day – How WikiLeaks Exposed Obama’s Incompetence

The latest Wikileaks document dump has revealed many things, but few are more daunting than the Obama administration’s determination to cling to assumptions about worldwide terror and its perpetrators, as opposed to dealing with the reality of what’s actually occurring. In fairness to Mr. Obama, some of these assumptions long pre-date his term in office. For example, it is no secret that several previous administrations have been involved in a Palestinian-Israeli “peace process” that has resulted abundance of process and precious little in the way of peace. Yet this current release reveals that Mr. Obama is either incredibly naive, or, more likely, the victim of one of the oldest self-inflicted political “diseases” in existence: the triumph of ideology over reality.

Underscoring this view of the president is his reaction to the Wikileaks fiasco itself. “While I was concerned the exposure of sensitive information from the battlefield that can endanger people and operations, the fact is that these documents do not reveal any interest not yet been exposed during a public debate about the war in Afghanistan,” said president Obama–back in July, before the current trove of documents was made public.

With regard to this latest release, the president has been conspicuously silent regarding the new documents. Perhaps he thought Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s assertion that “this disclosure is not just an attack on America, it’s an attack on the international community” was sufficient. Or perhaps, as former U.N Ambassador John Bolton asserts, “this sustained, collective inaction exemplifies the Obama administration’s all-too-common attitude towards threats to America’s international interests. The president, unlike the long line of his predecessors since Franklin Roosevelt, simply does not put national security at the centre of his political priorities.”

What do the documents reveal? First and foremost, might be the idea that the definition of word “ally” has been stretched to its breaking point. A classified memo written by Hillary Clinton revealed that with respect to our “ally” Saudi Arabia, terrorist donors in that country ”constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” That would be the same Saudi Arabia, which according to testimony by Undersecretary of the Treasury for Financial and Terrorism Intelligence, Stuart Levey on October 6, 2009 before Senate Banking Committee, is sending terrorist funding “to Iraq, to South-East Asia and to any other place where there are terrorists…”

It is also the same Saudi Arabia with whom this administration is currently negotiating a $60 billion arms sale. Read more

Picture of the Day – Scary Chart: The Obama Recession and Job Comparisons to Other Recessions

Click on Chart for Larger View

Hot Air – Quite a few people have had the same reaction to this chart from Business Insider and Calculated Risk as John Derbyshire at The Corner, which is to offer a res ipsa loquitur rather than clutter it with commentary. But there is more to be said about the ramifications of this chart.

But calling it the Chart of the Day seems too limiting. I’d call this the Chart of the Year, for a couple of reasons. It demonstrates the folly of the Obama administration’s insistence that we have been experiencing a recovery and any sort of significant growth in job creation. After hitting the nadir of job losses relative to our peak inter-recession employment, we have essentially flatlined for far longer than any other post-recession period. Nothing in the data shows a hint that we will soon break out of that pattern either, and Ben Bernanke says we’ll probably go four to five more years on this same trajectory. Read more

Obamarama! The President Doesn’t Know the National Motto

There is just something, I mean just something when it comes to President Obama and Christianity. He proclaims in a Muslim country that America isn’t a Christian nation and then proclaims in America that the U.S. is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. He doesn’t go to church anymore. He omits the Creator when quoting the Declaration of Independence and his staff insisted that the name of Jesus had to be covered when he spoke at Georgetown.

But not knowing our national motto – the national motto? Isn’t the President supposed to know the national motto? Let’s see, what if George Bush quoted E pluribus unum as our national motto? Let’s take it another step: what if it was Sarah Palin who referred to E pluribus unum as our national motto?

The MSM, late night hosts, liberal funny people, leftist bloggers, and all who suffer from Bush/Palin derangement syndrome would go into raving fits, while foaming at their mouths proclaiming how stupid they were.

Is the President stupid? I don’t think so. I mean it really is a stupid thing when the President doesn’t know our national motto. Maybe, when it comes right down to it, he has a problem with Christianity and God himself. Progressive elitists do have problems with God, since they want to run things the way they want to run things, without answering to anyone, especially to the Great Anyone.

Washington Times – Members of Congress on Monday called on President Obama to issue a public correction after he incorrectly labeled E pluribus unum the U.S.’s motto in a speech last month, rather than “In God We Trust.”

The lawmakers, members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, also said the president was making “a pattern” of dropping the word “Creator” when he recites the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence.

“By misrepresenting things as foundational as the Declaration of Independence and our national motto, you are not only doing a disservice to the people you represent you are casting aside an integral part of American society,” the representatives said in a stern letter asking for him to correct the speech.

Last month, while speaking at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Mr. Obama was trying to stress the similarity of the U.S. and Indonesia and said “it is a story written into our national mottos.”

“In the United States, our motto is E pluribus unum — out of many, one,” he said, then compared it to the Indonesian motto, “Bhennika Tunggal Ika — unity in diversity.” Read more

The GOP Tsunami of 2010: Obamacare and the Road to Serfdom

When I think of President Obama’s path for our country I am reminded of the movie, The Matrix. You know the story: computers are in control. The sky is scorched because of the struggle between humanity and the machines, and the only sustainable energy the machines can use to stay alive (alive?), is to use people as human batteries from the womb to the grave.

How do they keep the masses in control? Their minds are controlled by a computer program (the Matrix), making them believe that they are living normal lives. So while they are in captivity and servitude, the reality they perceive is otherwise.

Liberal and progressive elites must be in control. They honestly believe that we can’t live without them. But instead of using ideas to influence others, they rather shove legislation down our throats to achieve that control through the State.

But the State must sustain itself. It must have votes in order to stay alive, so it must make as many people dependent on it as possible. Thus the creation of a dependent class, whether through welfare, social security, medicare and now – Obamacare.

Why will Obamacare lead our country down the road to serfdom?

1) It creates another dependent class, and therefore secures votes to sustain the State. Obamacare is designed to eliminate private competition. With insurance companies out the way, the State will be the primary care giver – and the ultimate Nanny over our health and well being.

2) It provides the State a way to control the number of enrollments on health care. Let’s face it: the State can’t afford everyone. So, if a person is unable to contribute to the State, and if their health care is too costly – they simply will not receive health care.

3) The debt load of another entitlement in a bad economy, with a crisis looming in Social Security, is disastrous to our nation’s future and to individual families.

Also, Obamacare is the silent FOCA, and will eventually lead to federally funded unrestricted abortion. The State must have unrestricted abortion. This accomplishes three things:

1) Abortion helps to control population growth and the costs of entitlements.

2) In the end, elites want to make sure that minorities remain minorities. Just take a look at the presence of Planned Parenthood in minority neighborhoods. Thus, while utilizing victimization that ensure votes, abortion provides that minorities remain victims.

Even though the Democrats view illegals from Mexico as future Democratic votes, they will take steps to keep the Hispanic population as a minority with the promotion of abortion.

3) Contraception and abortion promotes sex outside of marriage, and therefore devalues marriage. 80% of those in poverty are single parents and children living in single parent homes. The poor will remain poor. Thus providing a permanent dependent class that ensure votes.

Thus, Obamacare and the road to Serfdom.

We need health care reform. The U.S. has the highest quality health care in the world, and customers are highly satisfied with it – but we need to have that excellent health care available to everyone.

But reform must never come between the doctor and the patient, and the government must never have the authority to decide who receives what operation. There must be a free cooperation of patients, health care providers, the free market and government.

Obamacare will take no prisoners – it is designed to eliminate competition to wage total control from womb to the tomb. In the end, everyone loses. The federal government is wasteful, inefficient, intrusive, and impersonal. It will decide who will receive care and when, but it will also decide who will not.

The GOP Tsunami of 2010 is the first step in the process to repeal the the back door deal called Obamacare. Let us support and hold to the fire the incoming majority to this end, and work toward the Tsunami of 2012 to finish the job.

Check out this website and share with others – Listen to the real-life stories of the victims of government-run health care

Also check out the the news run of Obamacare is a Rip Off That Keeps Ripping Off and the bottom of this web page.

On the Schadenfreudean Side: Video – What Will Happen to Nancy’s Plane?

Doesn’t it figure? Get a nice jet to travel as you wish and a change in jobs changes all that. Don’t you hate not having your own private jet? I know I do.

Poor Nancy. At least she had a nice party.

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