Picture of the Day 9/23/10 – Republicans roll out Pledge to America

All year long, conservatives have been pressuring Republicans to release a Contract with America for 2010 — an updated version of the campaign platform that the party unveiled before its 1994 sweep of Congress. Thursday morning, Republican congressmen are responding to that pressure by making a “Pledge to America.” The inevitable question will be: Is the pledge as bold as the Contract?

The answer is: The pledge is bolder. The Contract with America merely promised to hold votes on popular bills that had been bottled up during decades of Democratic control of the House. The pledge commits Republicans to working toward a broad conservative agenda that, if implemented, would make the federal government significantly smaller, Congress more accountable, and America more prosperous.

The pledge divides its policy commitments into five parts. The first concerns jobs. The Republicans promise to stop tax increases, to require congressional approval of regulations with a large economic impact, and to give small businesses a tax deduction. To our minds, this section of the pledge is the least impressive. The first two policies would merely prevent government from destroying jobs, and the rationale for the third is elusive. (We like small businesses, but other companies generate jobs, too.) Still, these are better economic policies than we are getting from the administration or the current congressional leadership.

The longer-range policies are more compelling. The second section of the pledge promises budget restraint. Domestic discretionary spending would be cut back to “pre-bailout, pre-stimulus” levels, and then its growth would be capped — generating hundreds of billions in savings. The legislative budget, which has grown unjustifiably in recent years, would also be pruned back: Republicans know they cannot cut spending elsewhere if they will not cut spending on themselves. TARP would be ended, as would the federal entanglement with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. A federal hiring freeze would be instituted. And Congress would make “a full accounting of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.” If that means putting their long-term unfunded liabilities on budget, it would be an important first step toward reform.

Third comes health care, where the Republicans say they “will immediately take action to repeal” Obamacare. They also plan to work toward their own health-care reforms, including medical-malpractice reform, freedom to buy health insurance across state lines, and better-funded high-risk pools for people with pre-existing conditions. They also promise to enact a law banning federal funding of abortion. That would strengthen the existing Hyde amendment, which applies only to a portion of federal spending and has to be renewed every year. (Here, too, the pledge goes beyond the Contract, which steered clear of all “social issues.”)

Republicans, wisely, have responded to public dismay at congressional dysfunction by including a group of reforms to legislative practice. Bill language would have to be available online for 72 hours. All legislation would have to include a citation of its constitutional justification. Spending bills would have to be open to amendment: Programs that cannot get majority support on their own will thus no longer be able to ride along with popular items.

Finally, the Republicans turn to national security. The congressional role in this area is limited, but Republicans plan to do what they can with clean troop-funding bills, support for military courts where appropriate, funds for missile defense, and sanctions on Iran. They would pass a law explicitly making room for a robust state-and-local role in helping to enforce the immigration laws. Read more

Picture of the Day 8/11/10 – Republicans up 6 in Gallup generic ballot

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PRINCETON, NJ — Republicans have a 49% to 43% lead over Democrats among registered voters in Gallup’s generic ballot for Congress for the week of Aug. 2-8, the second straight week in which Republicans have held an edge in projected voting.

The current six-percentage-point Republican lead ties the largest for either party so far, although Republicans have generally tied or held an advantage over Democrats since Gallup began tracking the generic ballot in March. The major exception to this prevailing pattern came July 12-25, when Democrats moved ahead with six- and four-point weekly advantages.

Republicans have maintained at least a 10-point advantage in voting enthusiasm since March, including this past week’s 16-point lead over Democrats in the percentage who are “very enthusiastic” about voting. The widest such gap was 24 points in late June. Read more

Picture of the Day 6/17/10 – Rasmussen poll: Obama drops to 42%

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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20 (see trends).

Forty-eight percent (48%) of Democrats Strongly Approve while 75% of Republicans Strongly Disapprove. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 12% Strongly Approve and 52% Strongly Disapprove.Read more

Bill O’Reilly is a Pinhead – when did the Republicans undermine the President?

As a fan of Bill O’Reilly, I must admit that sometimes, Bill is a pinhead. I feel that this is the case in his Talking Points memo Why Americans Do Not Trust the Federal Government that aired on 04/20/10.

A new study by Pew Research says that 76 percent of Americans do not trust the federal government, at least some of the time. Also, just 25 percent of Americans think Congress is doing a good job.

So what’s behind this?

The Pew people say it is driven by economics, especially in the independent precincts. Folks are worried about their wallets, and they don’t think the feds are responding very well. Thus, they don’t trust the federal government.

But “Talking Points” believes there is something else in play.

When President Obama was elected 18 months ago, there was big time hope in the air. In fact, the president ran on hope and change, and many Americans were very optimistic that good times would be here again.

It hasn’t happened.

The president still has time to turn things around, but we Americans are not a patient people, and there is anger in the air.

Yes, there has been change. We now have record spending and a new tone of humility overseas, but those things might not be good things.

Also, whenever you build up someone’s hopes and don’t come through, you become suspect. And the bigger the hope, the harder the fall.

President Obama’s charisma energized many Americans, and now they are disappointed with reality. Therefore, a combination of those who didn’t like Mr. Obama from the jump, and disillusionment because things have not gotten better, is driving all the negativity towards the federal government.

It is true that Congress is doing a terrible job. The health care bill was a colossal mess, and partisan bickering is out control. Both parties are at fault. The Republicans are undermining President Obama. The Democrats simply don’t seem to care if the country goes bankrupt. They continue to spend irresponsibly, to load up bills with pork, and to basically thumb their noses at fiscal reality. That’s not just incompetent, that’s dangerous.

So once again, the American people are the ones with the common sense. They know the feds are not doing the job.

Notice the statement, “It is true that Congress is doing a terrible job. The health care bill was a colossal mess, and partisan bickering is out control. Both parties are at fault. The Republicans are undermining President Obama.”

There are times when Bill will make blanket statements without collaborating support. This is one of those times. It is true that Congress is doing a terrible job, but it is also true that Congress is overwhelmingly filled with Democrats. Before the election of Scott Brown, even the Senate had a filibuster proof majority.

With a Democratic President, House and Senate, there hasn’t been any meaningful attempt of achieving bipartisanship. Why bother when you have complete control? Washington D.C. is a Democratic town right now, and they own whatever happens in it.

The ramming of Obamacare down our throats without one Republican vote of course begs the question: How in the world have the Republicans undermined President Obama? Along the Stimulus Bill, Omnibus Spending Bill, and a confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice – it’s a little hard to see what has been undermined.

So what’s up with Bill? I think he wants to avoid appearing partisan at all costs – even if it means doing a little bit of spinning in the No Spin Zone. And for that reason, Bill O’Reilly is a Pinhead.

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President Obama, the Antichrist, Republicans and a Harris Poll

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With the buzz on the net about a new Harris Poll that identifies 24% of Republicans believing that the President may be the antichrist, and somehow trying to make it fodder in the healthcare debate – I thought I would re-post a blog I wrote last year on this very subject.

See what you think:

Is Obama the Antichrist? This is a hot topic flying around the internet, and I think it will intensify as we get closer to the year “2012.” There are folks using the books of Revelation, Daniel, and all kinds of Scripture in between, to come up with some kind of “fit” in Bible prophecy. There are self proclaimed prophets: prophesying the end, almost getting into a frenzy – claiming to speak “in the name of the Lord.”

I know that we all are trying to make sense of the times, and what we should do in the midst of the storm around us. Hence, all the voices. But we must be careful of the voices we listen to – and purpose ourselves to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd.

Be careful of those who proclaim the end of the world, or the return of Jesus Christ – and then claim that they are speaking in the name of God. Whether this is the time for Jesus to come and wrap up history, is his business. Our job is to live as if He will come today, and work as if He will not.

Let me first say that Obama is not the Antichrist, as referred to in the book of Revelation. The purpose of this blog is to give a Biblical argument in identifying not only who we call the Antichrist, but also the Whore of Babylon. I am doing this for the express purpose of helping folks not to fall in the trap of those who manipulate the Word of God: who therefore try to manipulate others.

But it doesn’t mean that President Obama doesn’t have the spirit of antichrist. There is a difference. The Apostle John tells us:

“Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.” 1JN 2:18, 19

Does President Obama have the spirit of antichrist? We will have to see. This will be the stuff of another blog.

What I will do is identify the Beast and the Whore of Babylon. But first, let me share some interesting facts or curiosities I found in my personal study of the Book of Revelation.

Did you know:

    1) The name Antichrist is never mentioned.

    2) The number is not six, six, six – or just three sixes in a row. The number is actually six hundred and sixty six.

    3) It never mentions Christ returning to earth to set up a thousand year rule.

    4) It never states Christ coming back to a throne on earth.

    5) It never mentions a rapture of the saints before the tribulation.

    6) It never even mentions a rapture of the saints.

My point? Read the book! I find that most of the time, people approach Revelation with preconceived ideas, and then basically force Revelation to say what they want it to say. They use it to satisfy curiosities, or try to sensationalize today’s events into “end time prophecies.” The Book of Revelation has lost it’s beauty and grandeur, and is reduced to the level of a dime store novel.

Another problem is interpretation. This book is treated differently from other books of the Bible; by using newspaper exegesis, instead of using the same standards of interpretation as the rest of the Bible.

Let’s try to agree on some things as we seek to understand the Book of Revelation.

    1) The Book of Revelation is a book of the Bible. A good standard of interpretation: use the Bible to interpret the Bible. Throw the newspaper away!

    2) You would be surprised how “Biblical” the Book of Revelation actually is! The theme of Scripture – creation, redemption, and sanctification run throughout the Bible, and culminates in the Book of Revelation. Also, there is so much of the Old Testament in this book, you won’t understand Revelation until you understand it’s OT themes. The NT is hidden in the OT, and the OT is revealed in the NT – including the Book of Revelation.

    3) The only way to understand the imagery and symbolism in Revelation, is to understand how that imagery and symbolism is used in the Bible – starting from Genesis to Revelation.

    4) Revelation was written before 70AD. (1)

    5) John states that it’s events will happen soon. Actually, he states it four times.

    – to show his servants what must soon take place.V1:1
    – because the time is near. V.1:3
    – The Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show
    his servants the things that must soon take place.” V22:6
    – Then he told me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book
    because the time is near. V22:10

Notice that the Angel instructs John not to seal the book – Revelation was to be understood by the Christians of his day. The Book of Revelation couldn’t be any clearer – it would be ridiculous to think “soon” is 2,000 years later!

Let’s use the clues John provides for us to identify the Beast and the Whore of Babylon. We will find that it is the tale of two cities.

Identification of the Beast

Most will agree the Beast is Rome. It is the city that is known for it’s seven hills. But those who hold to a dispensationalist view of Revelation look toward a future Roman Empire. But John repeatedly told the Christians of his day that the events would be soon. I seek to prove John is referring to the Rome of his day.

Let’s look at the clues John provides for us.

1) “The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits.” v 17:9

As I have already stated, this is the reference to Rome.

2) “The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come.” V17:8

There was a time when the peoples of the earth wondered if the Roman Empire was going to survive. Check out the list below. Notice that there were five emperors in the space of two years: 68 – 69AD.

Beset with several civil wars, there really was a time of “now is not” and “wars and rumors of war.” (Matt 24).

3) They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. V 17:10,11

    1. Julius Caesar 49-44 BC
    2. Augustus 27 BC-14 AD
    3.Tiberius 14-37 AD
    4. Gaius Caligula 37-41 AD
    5. Claudius 41-54 AD
    6. Nero 54-68 AD
    7. Galba 68-69 AD
    8. Otho 69-69 AD
    9. Vitellius 69-69 AD
    10. Vespasian 69-79 AD

Five have fallen: notice Nero is the sixth king, the one who “is.” John then mentions the king that comes after him, and that he must remain for a little while. The seventh Caesar – Galba – only remained as Caesar for 7 months. I would say that was “a little while!”

4)”The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months…He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.” V.13: 5-7

From Christian and Pagan sources alike – they all agree that Nero had the cruel heart of a beast. This imagery fits him well.

Nero’s persecution of the Church was the first time that the Roman Government persecuted the Christians, and it set the precedent for succeeding Caesars to do the same. Phillip Schaff described it as “the most cruel that ever occurred.” Peter and Paul were martyred and the Apostle John was exiled.

And by the way, Nero persecuted the Church for 42 months.

5) So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”v13:4

The Emperor Cult was established before Nero, and Nero was actually worshipped. “Almighty God” and “Savoir” are found inscripted in Ephesus, coins portrayed Nero as Apollo, and even the Greeks deified him as “Zeus, Our Liberator.”

6) “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.” v13:18.

Nero Caesar adds up to the number six hundred and sixty six. In Hebrew the name is “nrwn qsr”: n (50) r (200) w (6) n (50) q (100) s (60) r (200), which totals exactly 666. (2)

Rome was the Beast and was personified in Nero.

Identification of the Whore of Babylon

John uses different pictures to describe the Whore of Babylon. Let’s look at the clues John provides for us.

1) “The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.” v17:18.

The first clue John gives to us is that he calls the Harlot a woman and a city. The woman is called the “Great City.” Notice he didn’t say “a” great city, but “the” great city.

Please remember that we have thrown the newspaper away. The next step we should take then, is to first look in the Book of Revelation, to see if the same term is used again. Let’s see – yes – here it is:

“Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.” Rev 11:8

John identifies the “Great City” as the place where our Lord is crucified, which of course is Jerusalem. That was easy! There is nothing better in interpretation, then when the same book uses the same terms to provide the meaning.

Can I please get a witness of how easy that was? May I ask a question? How could all the so-called prophecy experts miss it?

2) “The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire.” V. 17:16

The Whore of Babylon was Jerusalem, and the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD is the fall of Babylon in Revelation 18. Titus supervised the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. They razed the city and burned it with fire.

I know this is a total shock for most folks who interpret eschatology from a dispensational point of view, and especially for those who are “Left Behind” fans. I can see the tearing of clothing and the kicking up of dirt. But please stay with me, I will further explain why John identified Jerusalem as Babylon during his time, and the significance of the Fall of Jerusalem in 70AD.

We must realize that the Jew in Palestine would never call any city, “The Great City,” except for Jerusalem! The Temple of Jerusalem was literally the center of the universe to them. This was the place where the people of God, met and fellowshipped with God.

And again: “The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.” v17:18.

The Hebrew mind could only conceive of one city that would rule over the kings of the earth – Jerusalem. This is the city of the Great King! Please read Is.2:1-5.

But why is Jerusalem identified as Babylon? Notice that in v11:8 John already identifies the Great City as Sodom and Egypt. Lot was the “righteous man” (2 Pet 2:7), who was literally dragged out of Sodom. Of course we know the times Israel wanted to return to Egypt. They prostituted themselves to their captors.

That is why he picks Babylon: he is accusing Israel of becoming the very people who took them into captivity. Read Rev. 18. It breathes the language of the Old Testament prophets – and the only city of such importance would be Jerusalem.

Now Jerusalem becomes a Harlot by joining Rome in persecuting the Church. Also notice what John says about Babylon in Revelation:

3) I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus v. 17:6
Rejoice, saints and apostles and prophets! God has judged her for the way she treated you.’ ” v. 18:20.
In her was found the blood of prophets and of the saints, and of all who have been killed on the earth.” v. 18:24

Notice v.18:20 specifically mentions the Apostles – also placing the fall of Babylon during the 1st century.

Compare this with the words of Jesus:

“Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.” Matt 23:34-36

Jesus is specifically addressing His disciples. This would only make sense in the first century – Jesus specifically mentions the disciples going to synagogues from town to town, and actually mentioned they would be flogged in them. Notice that Jesus places the time period within “this generation.” Jesus also discusses the destruction of Jerusalem in Matt 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.

Please remember that Revelation never mentions Jesus coming back to a throne on earth, nor a Rapture of the saints. This is not what the Book of Revelation is about.

The theme of the Book of Revelation is the giving way of the Old Covenant, to the fulfillment of the New Covenant. It takes us from the destruction of the Temple, to Jesus rising again from the dead as the New Temple of God. Then John pulls us to the future, when the Kingdom of God is fully realized – when Christ comes back at the end of history. Everything has changed: everything has been made new!

This change is so significant, that it had to be told in words, imagery, and symbolism: so that we could see and understand the truth in a more fuller sense, than just reading a definition or a synopsis.

Please understand that while Revelation clearly identifies this lady as Jerusalem, it is the Jerusalem of 2,000 years ago, not the Jerusalem of today. It is not the maddening idea of dispensationalist theology, that a future Antichrist will break an agreement with a future Israel and start destroying a future Jerusalem. Our Jewish friends need our prayers and blessings instead, along with supporting their right to exist as a nation.

Let us lift up our hearts to our Lord, pray for wisdom to get a sense of the times, seek understanding of what we are to do as the people of God – and work for His glory.


1) The dating of the Book of Revelation is hotly contested. Liberal theology will argue for a later date because the predictions are so accurate they are believed to be written after the fact. There is a denial of special revelation. Dispensationalists need a later date to make their system of theology to work.

I recommend the book, The Day Jerusalem Fell by Kenneth Gentry. It is an excellent work defending a pre-70AD date using internal and external evidence, and has a chapter providing an impressive list of conservative scholars supporting the early date.

2) The Day Jerusalem Fell, Kenneth Gentry

More Articles

The Stimulus Package is not designed to save the economy, it’s designed to save liberalism – New Republican Opportunity: Welfare Reform

The Stimulus Package is not about saving the economy, it’s all about saving liberalism and the progressive view of the future. This is a spending bill, and the only thing it is intended to do is stimulate the government. On top of it, this is wanton borrowing – we are not spending what we have, we are borrowing our children’s future.

Here are articles to keep you informed about the Stimulus Plan that will be updated daily.


New Republican Opportunity: Welfare Reform
American Spectator
By Peter Ferrara

Sweeping, historic, welfare reforms were enacted in 1996, led by the Republican congressional majorities at the time, with strong, bipartisan support. The reforms involved the old Aid to Families with Dependent Children program (AFDC), originally adopted during the New Deal. The federal funds for the program were sent back to each state with the funds to be used for a new welfare program designed by each state based on mandatory work for the able bodied.

Sweeping, Historic Success
Before the reforms, the federal AFDC funds for each state were provided through a matching formula. The more spent by each state for AFDC, the more federal matching funds were paid to each state. So the states had an incentive to sign up more and more AFDC recipients, for each new recipient effectively brought more federal funds to the state. As a result, before the 1996 reforms, the AFDC rolls grew and grew, in both good economic times and bad, apart from state AFDC experiments that began to implement the fundamental changes.

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More articles on the Stimulus Plan

Upside Down Economics – Thomas Sowell

A tainted win – National Review By Rich Lowry

President Obama’s 2,000-point tumble – Michelle Malkin

Goodbye, America! It Was Fun While It Lasted – Ann Coulter

The Real Lessons of the Great Depression – Michael Barone

Congress Passes $787B Stimulus Bill, Sends It to Obama for Signature – Fox News

House passes Obama’s economic stimulus bill – Breitbart

More articles on the Stimulus Plan

Continue reading “The Stimulus Package is not designed to save the economy, it’s designed to save liberalism – New Republican Opportunity: Welfare Reform”

Stimulus aids illegal immigrants?

Jan 29 12:02 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) – The $800 billion-plus economic stimulus measure making its way through Congress could steer government checks to illegal immigrants, a top Republican congressional official asserted Thursday.

The legislation, which would send tax credits of $500 per worker and $1,000 per couple, expressly disqualifies nonresident aliens, but it would allow people who don’t have Social Security numbers to be eligible for the checks.

Undocumented immigrants who are not eligible for a Social Security number can file tax returns with an alternative number. A House-passed version of the economic recovery bill and one making its way through the Senate would allow anyone with such a number, called an individual taxpayer identification number, to qualify for the tax credits.

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Hollow victory: Republicans deliver slap in the face to Barack Obama

Toby Harnden
US Editor

President Barack Obama got the $825 (or $1.2 trillion over a decade) stimulus package through the House of Representatives but the 244 to 188 vote is a hollow victory indeed. Without a single Republican voting for the bill, his high-profile visit to Capitol Hill on Tuesday came to exactly naught – at least on the House side.

Obama vowed to change Washington and usher in a new post-partisan era. The the mood music and optics were pitch perfect as he trekked up to the Hill. Republicans praised his gesture, welcomed his sincere demeanour and appreciated his willingness to listen.

Problem was, he wanted only to listen and did not want to act on what Republicans said. When he was asked if he would re-structure the package to include more tax cuts, he reportedly responded: “Feel free to whack me over the head because I probably will not compromise on that part.”

He apparently added: ” I understand that and I will watch you on Fox News and feel bad about myself.”

That’s fine. No doubt Obama will indeed get beaten up on Fox News. But his failure to get even the squishiest moderate Republican – including the 11 entertained in the White House by Rahm Emanuel last night – to back him is not merely a big score for Rep Eric Cantor, Republican Whip, and the rest of the GOP leadership.

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Stop, thief! Kill the bill, melt the phones

By Michelle Malkin • January 28, 2009 04:00 AM

President Obama thinks he knows what the primary objective of Republicans in Washington should be: To “get things done.” Bashing Rush Limbaugh last week, Obama urged GOP lawmakers to ignore the voices of obstructionism and sign on to his behemoth stimulus package: “We shouldn’t let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done.” Meeting with GOP leaders on Tuesday, Obama repeated his entreaty: “I don’t expect 100 percent agreement from my Republican colleagues, but I do hope that we can all put politics aside and do the American people’s business right now.”

Since when did it become the Republican Party’s top priority to “get things done?” It was as annoying a campaign platitude when John McCain adopted it as it is now coming from President Obama’s lips. History has shown us that “Get Things Done” is mindless liberal code for passing ineffective legislation and expanding government for government’s sake. “Reaching across the political aisle” and “putting politics aside” always entail selling out the right and putting conservative principles aside. How about preventing the damage done by Democrat meddlers trying to get their “things done?” How about getting more things undone?

For the past year, I’ve chronicled the inevitable lard-up of bipartisan bailouts and stimulus boondoggles — and the predictable Chicken Little dance in Washington when these massive emergency “fixes” have fallen short. Contrary to the belief that President Obama is America’s Lightworker who can defy political gravity, H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 guarantees more of the same old borrow-spend-panic-repeat cycle that got us into our current mess in the first place. This is not an investment in America’s future. It’s an unprecedented mortgaging of America’s future — which is why the bill is forever known in my book as the Generational Theft Act of 2009.

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Other articles confirming the folly of this “Stimulus Package:”

Good Morning, Suckers

Creating Jobs through Fast-Acting Tax Relief, Not Slow-Moving Government Spending