On the Schadenfreudean Side: Video – What Will Happen to Nancy’s Plane?

Doesn’t it figure? Get a nice jet to travel as you wish and a change in jobs changes all that. Don’t you hate not having your own private jet? I know I do.

Poor Nancy. At least she had a nice party.

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Picture of the Day 11/8/10 – Nancy is funny: Now Don’t get me wrong Nancy – I want you to stay. But, there is a letter going around by Defeated Democratic House Members…

Exclusive from Fox News: Letter from Defeated Democratic House Members: Nancy Pelosi – step aside!

Many of us want the chance to run again and reclaim the seats that we lost on Tuesday. With you as the leader of House Democrats, the hangover of 2010 stands no chance of subsiding. Many of us have run our last race but remain committed to our party; we want to help recruit successful candidates to run in our stead. Unfortunately, we fear that Republicans will further demonize you, and in so doing they will scare potential candidates out. The prospect of having to run against their own party leadership in addition to their Republican opponent is simply too daunting.

This is a difficult letter to write, because we admire your commitment, your drive, and your conviction. You have been an historic figure in our great nation, and for that we are all proud, as should you be. Nonetheless, we each experienced how Republican demonization of you and your leadership contributed to our defeat.

It is impossible not to judge the results of November 2nd as anything but a profound loss. We want to recover. Recovery of our majority in the House necessitates new leadership at the top of our party. We believe that you can and will play an extraordinary role in our party, and it is extremely unfortunate that Republicans have taken away your ability to lead as effectively as you are able. Nonetheless, one mark of a strong leader is the ability to discern when it is time to pass the baton. As defeated members, whose party needs to rebuild, we are counting on you to show the strength of your leadership in this dark hour. We ask that you step aside as leader of our party in the House.

With utmost respect, we are… Read more

Picture of the Day 11/3/10 – GOP Tsunami

A Historic Election, An Early Thanksgiving

David Horowitz – Today is a day for conservatives to thank Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for destroying the Democratic majority in Congress, stopping the progressive juggernaut and putting Republicans in a perfect position to take control of the Senate in 2012 and eject the Radical-in-Chief from his Oval perch. Watching the MSNBC leftists Olbermann, Matthews and Maddow try to explain away the rejection of their policies by the American people and attribute it to “outside money,” inept messaging, insufficiently radical policies and poor instructions to their camp followers was a particularly satisfying experience. Keep on thinking that way comrades, encourage Obama and Reid to open the throttle on the socialist express and – as Karl Rove put it with a joyful exuberance in his FoxNews commentary — “drive that train off the cliff.”

This was an election night which saw the state houses in North Carolina and Alabama go Republican for the first time since 1872 and 1874, which cast out — often by landslide margins — “old bull” Democrats Skelton, Boucher, Oberstar and Edwards, who had been in the House for more than twenty years and had stuffed their districts with enough pork to keep their voters satisfied and the seats they held their personal property for as long as they drew breath. Here was a night that saw the election of a Republican governor in the unionized Michigan by a twenty-point landslide, and the installation of Republican governors through the arc of the Midwest from Wisconsin through Illinois and Ohio for the first time in half a century, along with the state house and legislature of keystone Pennsylvania. Here was a sixty-seat flip in the U.S. House of Representatives a feat that hasn’t been achieved since 1948. Read more

From Defeat to Rout

NRO – They can’t say they weren’t warned. The polls showed independents beginning to turn away from President Obama in the spring of 2009. Town halls in the summer showed strong grassroots resistance to the Democrats’ health-care plan. In November 2009, Republicans won big in Virginia and New Jersey — both states Obama had carried the year before. A few months later, opposition to the health-care law helped Republican Scott Brown to win the seat that Ted Kennedy had occupied for decades.

Democrats had plenty of time to change course. Instead, they decided that the public was easily confused and would come around. The weak economy and previous Democratic gains meant that Republicans would likely do well in this election, especially in the House. But it was this Democratic obstinacy that converted a defeat into a rout. Republicans took control of the House, defeated liberal heavyweights such as Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, and picked up a slew of governorships and state legislatures. The House will now have more Republicans than in any year since the 1940s.

The Republicans deserve some credit for their own success. The early popularity of the president did not prevent them from opposing a bloated stimulus, and they rejected the superficial arguments for cooperating with the Democrats in extending government control of health care. They refused, in short, to acquiesce in their widely predicted extinction. Read more